Real-Time River Conditions
Canyon Lake’s current elevation is 879.48 feet. Normal elevation is 909 feet. The lake is 48.5% full. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is releasing water from Canyon Reservoir into the Lower Guadalupe River at a rate of 57 cfs.
For streamflow data on the Comal River click here.
Release and Flow Rates
Visit the Water-Oriented Recreation District of Comal County (WORD)’s website,, to better understand how release rates work and how they affect flow rates on the lower Guadalupe.
For detailed information about Canyon Reservoir, visit this page by the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority.
Guadalupe River Threshold Flow Status
- Up to 500 cfs Recreational
- 500 – 750 cfs Challenging
- 750 – 1000 cfs Strenuous
- 1000 – 3000 cfs Extreme Caution; Tubing Not Recommended
- 3000+ cfs Dangerous; Guided Rafts Suggested
Comal River Threshold Flow Status:
- 100 – 500 cfs Recreational flow- safe for all activities – tubing open for all levels of swimmers
- 500 – 1000 cfs Use extreme caution – all activities questionable – flows of this magnitude are usually caused by rainfall and involve turbid water and floating debris – contact river outfitters for more information
- 1000 cfs River Closed
‘Flash-Flood Alley’
During periods of heavy rain, flow rates of both the Guadalupe and Comal rivers can change rapidly and become dangerous. Central Texas is known as “flash-flood alley.” Take rain events in Canyon Lake and New Braunfels seriously.
Closure of the Comal River inside New Braunfels city limits will be posted on the New Braunfels Police Facebook page.
What is the minimum flow needed to kayak/canoe the guadalupe at spring branch?
We’re not kayyakers, so not sure! Check with Guadalupe Canoe Libery in Spring Branch or ask Guadalupe River State Park.
The link for the canyon lake live cam didn’t work
Thanks for the catch!
When will Dunlap dam be completed and water level in the river brought up
Not sure, you might check with the GBRA
With the lake being so low why are you releasing water?
A group of teens will be at Canyon Lake today. Are the conditions of the water safe, being that it rained ?
Hi Victoria, we suggest that you contact Texas Parks and Wildlife Department or call the US Army Corps of Engineers’ Canyon Lake office. Also, the Water Oriented District of Comal County operates Comal and Canyon parks, they would be another good source of information.
Hmmmm, I guess that the GBRA selling and draining over 90,000 acre feet (1/4 of the lake’s capacity) every year has anything to do with the low level of the lake. Nah.
This is an interesting article! Thanks for sharing the river conditions.
At what level of the lake will the fresh water pumps, used to provide drinking water, be inoperable?
Are you still planning to draw down the level of the lake in 2026 for maintenance of the pumps?
Was wondering the same thing. How low does it have to get before they stop drawing water for residential use?
Was wondering the same thing. How low does it have to get before they stop drawing water for residential use?