
Parking Upgrades Near Completion at Canyon Lake Boat Ramps

Boat ramp wide view
County road crews worked through scorching temperatures to finish out the paving at Canyon Lake Boat Ramp #1. Image courtesy of the Canyon Lake Boat Ramps Community Alliance.

Parking lot improvements at Canyon Lake boat ramps #1, #2, #5 and #6 are nearing completion.

Doug Leecock, spokesperson for the Canyon Lake Boat Ramps Community Alliance and Republican candidate for Pct. 1 Comal County commissioner, said parking areas for boat ramps #2 and #5 remain fully closed as they were recently sealed.

“Fresh oil” signs blocked access to these ramps over the Labor Day weekend.

Paving at boat ramps #1 and #6 is completed; however, there is striping, signage, and other work that is still pending.

“Those parking lots will be accessible, but there remains no launching of motorized watercraft,” he said.

These and other improvements to county-operated boat ramps are financed by $500,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds earmarked by Commissioners Court for boat ramps in 2023.

Barring construction closures, it is now legal to launch non-motorized watercraft like canoes and kayaks from county boat ramps #1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 22 and 23 and at the ramps operated by the Water Oriented Recreation District of Comal County (WORD), # 3, 4 and 18.

All nine Comal County-operated boat ramps remain closed due to ongoing drought.

For real-time updates on boat ramp improvements, visit the Comal County Engineer’s website, cceo.org.


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