Rain chances ramp back up early Tuesday and minor flooding could be back in the forecast with two or more inches of additional rain expected on Tuesday and Wednesday. There is a marginal risk of severe storms. The U.S. National Weather Service
The nonprofit Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance (GEAA) kicks off its Water Wonks online lecture series at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 24 with a presentation by Policy Manager Rachel Hanes entitled Water Reuse in the Hill Country: Analyzing Opportunities in Comal County, Texas.
Comal County’s Recycling Center, 281 Resource Dr., New Braunfels is accepting natural Christmas trees and garlands Saturday through Feb. 3. The center is open 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday-Friday and from 8 a.m. to noon on Saturdays. There is no charge
The City of Blanco today rescinded a boil water notice issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) on Tuesday and moved back into Stage 5 drought restrictions which prohibit irrigating landscaped areas and washing of cars, motorbikes, boats, trailers and
Comal County Public Health Director Cheryl Fraser reported 3,280 COVID-19 cases and 25 deaths from the virus in 2023. In Commissioners Court today she also said there were 314 confirmed-and-probable COVID-19 cases and one death in December 2023. Last month, Public Health
Comal County’s Election Office needs help finding more early voting locations for the March 5 primary. The county plans to use six of the “normal” early-voting locations and is looking for other sites that can be made available for two weeks, according
Family-owned Robert’s by the Lake, a popular Canyon Lake north-side restaurant specializing in Creole and southwestern cuisine, will close indefinitely on Jan. 31 while its chef undergoes a medical procedure. Chef Robert Hicks may need several weeks—possibly longer—to recover. “We cannot manage
A large pecan tree on New Braunfels’ historic Main Plaza across from the Comal County courthouse will be cut down on Wednesday, Jan. 24 due to significant decay and a fungal condition that are creating safety hazards for people. The 50-foot-tall, 150-year-old
Texas moved out of “exceptional drought” on Jan. 9, the first time since March 2022. But Comal County remains in “extreme drought,” one of nine contiguous counties still in the red on a map of Texas released by the Texas Water Development
Comal ISD says it has been monitoring weather conditions and will reopen all schools and offices on Tuesday. Any updates will be posted to comalisd.org or district social media. The U.S. National Weather Service Austin-San Antonio said hard freezes will continue tonight