
Canyon Lake Democrats Hope to Reach ‘Traditional’ Republicans with Billboard

Democrat billboard
Canyon Lake Democrats hope this sign on FM 2673 near the Canyon Lake Area Chamber of Commerce will give some Republicans a few reasons to vote blue.
Canyon Lake Democrats hope this sign on FM 2673 near the Canyon Lake Area Chamber of Commerce will give some Republicans a few reasons to vote blue.

There’s a new billboard on FM 2673 between Startzville and Sattler that reads “You don’t have to be a Democrat to vote Democrat this time.”

The sign went up Wednesday near the Canyon Lake Area Chamber of Commerce. Pct. 105 Party Chair Jason Gillett said he hopes it sends a strong message to traditional Republicans as well as to Canyon Lake Democrats who feel isolated in this overwhelmingly red part of rural Comal County.

The sign will stay up through the November midterm elections.

“We’re trying to come up with new and better ways to get out the vote to help our candidates as the election rolls on,” he said. “This sign doesn’t necessarily address any specific candidate but the Republican Party is giving us so many things to run against them on, it was a shame not to use any of them. We’re in unacceptable territory now.”

The sign targets “traditional Republicans,” not the “Trump strain.”

Gillett said members of both parties can agree that insurrection is un-American and women have a right to equality.

“Fix the damn grid is self-explanatory,” he said. “You can buy a service from someone who fails to provide that then turn around and charge us for the failure to do that? I thought I knew how capitalism worked until that.”

Comal Democrats also have a billboard on Elliot Knox Boulevard in New Braunfels with the message. “Texas is not ok, Democrats will make it right.”

Key election issues identified on this sign are gun violence, the power grid, healthcare, public school funding and property taxes.”

Gillett said the two billboards are intended for different audiences.

Comal County Republican Party Chair Sue Piner said Canyon Lake Republicans, who are very committed and active politically, put up yard signs – and sometimes even billboards.

But big signs are expensive, she said.

If the party did pay for an official billboard, like local Democrats did, themes might focus on what could happen if Democrat Beto O’Rourke defeats incumbent Republican Gov. Greg Abbott and on keeping Texas strong “because we don’t have another Texas to move to,” Piner said.

The state would become California overnight, guns would be confiscated, gas prices would skyrocket and gas-powered cars and yard equipment would be banned, she said. Electric cars would stress the electrical grid.

One enthusiastic but unknown local Republican put up their own unofficial sign to to emphasize a Biblical issue with Democrats.

Right below an ad for Shady Vale Mini Storage, on a sign on Canyon Bend, they posted:

“TRUMP – “The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. Even as he walks along the road, the fool lacks sense and shows everyone how STUPID he is.” Ecclesiastes 10:2.”

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  1. Republicans may not be the answer to all your problems BUT the Democrats are definitely the cause of all your problems. I’d like to know where in the U.S. that women (if you can define what that is) don’t have equality. Fix the grid – I can agree with that – let’s get more natural gas powered and nuclear plants up – with less reliance on unreliable solar and wind.

    • Fix the grid: can certainly agree with that. Should have stopped there. “…women (if you can define what that is)” – yeah, women love being called a “what” – which tells me a whole lot about how men have zero concept of being female. Just as an example, “I’d like to know where in the U.S. that women [sic] don’t have equality”: what world do YOU live in; have you seen Texas? Texas (and several other states) where women can no longer make personal decisions about their bodies, but men can? I’d say that’s one BIG definition of INEQUALITY. Texas: where abortions are now criminalized, but ranks 50th in baby wellness checks, ranks 34th in clinical care for infants, ranks 50th in uninsured women, ranks 43rd in maternal mortality, ranks 44th in school funding per child, and ranks 46th in child hunger (Medicaid expansion could help and provide health care to 1.4 MILLION TEXANS IN POVERTY, but the GOP thinks that’s bad idea). Sadly, the current GOP administration in Texas has taken a hard right, off-the-deep-end turn and as a result, Texas is a shell of its former greatness; a third-world country. TEXAS needs change, new ideas. The GOP HAS HELD EVERY TEXAS STATE OFFICE FOR OVER 30 YEARS, ZERO DEMOCRATS HAVE BEEN ELECTED TO ANY STATE OFFICE, OR ANY OFFICE HERE IN COMAL COUNTY, yet democrats “are definitely the cause of all your problems?”

    • Why is it some man, who knows zero-zip-nada about birthing a baby and the toll it takes on a woman’s body, who pipes up and says some BS like this. Get a grip, dude, ain’t no Dems killing female babies for the fun of it – or male babies for that matter. See my comment on why Texas is A HORRIBLE place for women – and children.

  2. Abbott has lied to women (we will stop rapists). How’s that going? And he took a woman’s health choices. Under Abbott we have had more terrorist attacks, worse education, health and mental health problems and he pulls stunts like spending nearly $15m on bus services (SO FAR). We had NO voting Fraud but now we have the worst voting rights. He and his cronies and big money have to go. All Texans deserve better.

    • More Texan women have been raped so far in 2022 than in any other State in the Country. It is past time for a progressive government to come in and do the adult stuff of governing and preparing for the future. There are more of us (Democrats) here (in Comal County) than anyone realizes. And this time around the ladies need to remember that their husband will never see who they actually cast their vote for! The ballot is secret for a reason!

  3. Had we allowed Trumptards to steal the election: a) Ukraine would cease to exist and b) America would become a dictatorship.

  4. I think those that are unhappy in Texas and Comal county,will find a ready supply of U-Haul trucks” waitin’ to get Home ” to California..

    Alot of this beef is about abortion,and a flawed court decision. Abortion is not an enumerated right… But it’s OK to set cities on fire after the Floyd episode that’s not “Insurrection”? OK… Men can give birth too…right?
    Please avail yourselves..

  5. Why is it if you are democrat you “aren’t from here?” Im born and raised here, AND a democrat OMG!!! People have different opinions and perspectives, yes even in Texas. I stay for family reasons, they are all here. I have every right to be a democrat even if it doesn’t feel like it most of the time. Id like to see how some of y’all would cope if you had to live in a blue state. Think about that next time you publicly start bashing democrats because you assume everyone feels the same way. If you value freedom, you should value choices. The red way is not the only way.

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