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Home Non-Elementor - Page 90

Baby Formula Available at CRRC’s Food Pantry

Baby formula is in stock at the CRRC of Canyon Lake’s Food Pantry. Supplies will be dispensed on a first-come, first-served basis. Brands currently available include: Similac Advance Sensitivity – Iron Milk-Based Powder Nutramigen Hypoallergenic Similac Neosure Similac Soyisomil Genile

Comal County Commissioners Push Back on Texas Lawmakers Who Want to Ban Countywide Elections


Comal County commissioners today pushed back on Republican state lawmakers who want to ban countywide voting on Election Day and get rid of electronic poll books. At their weekly meeting, commissioners unanimously passed a resolution that opposes any state legislation intended to eliminate the two, citing popularity and convenience for voters and cost savings for the county. “Why would we

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