Canyon Lake is 48.4% full — and there’s no rain in the forecast.
According to the U.S. Monthly Drought Outlook released Feb. 28 by the U.S. National Weather Service, drought will persist in South Central Texas at least through March thanks to the La Niña weather pattern.
“Due to the dry and warm conditions over the fall and winter months, partly because of La Nina, drought has set in and is expected to persist and expand across Texas this month,” the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) said on social media.
Drought has intensified in Central and South Texas. As of Monday, March 3, Canyon Lake was in extreme drought.
Most of Texas hasn’t had a rainy day in more than two weeks, and parts of West Texas haven’t seen rain in more than 100 days.
A “rainy day” means an area receives 0.04 inches or more of precipitation.