
Two CLHS Athletes Sign National Letters of Intent

Two Canyon Lake High School (CLHS) students today signed national letters of intent to play college sports. Track star Alencia Lentz signed with Baylor University for pole vaulting. Griffen Williams will play baseball for Blinn College. Some 23 student-athletes from Canyon High

Comal’s Burn Ban Likely To Be Extended Thursday

Comal County commissioners are expected to extend the current burn ban for another 90 days at their weekly meeting Thursday. Comal is the only mostly red county on today’s Keetch-Byram Drought Index (KBDI) map, created by Texas A&M AgriLife. KBDI measures drought.

Canyon Lake Prepares to Honor Its Veterans

Several events are planned in Canyon Lake this week to honor U.S. military veterans, especially the 14,000 who live in Comal County. Operation Green Light Comal County commissioners Thursday voted to turn the bell atop the county’s historic courthouse tower green Monday

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