Celebrate Texas Independence Day with a professional fireworks display at the 2nd Annual Salute to Texas, 8 p.m. Sunday, March 2 in Canyon Lake. Organizers say the best view for many residents might be from a neighbor’s balcony. Fireworks will be set
The McKenna Foundation, whose mission is advancing the health and well-being of Comal County residents, invites the public to its ‘Choose Kindness’ campaign kickoff at 10 a.m. Friday, Jan. 24. The event features complimentary coffee and treats. Free stickers also will be
The Dam Community Alliance invites the public to take a 1.8-mile Turkey Walk or run across the top of Canyon Lake Dam starting at 8 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 28 at Overlook Park, 601 Corps of Engineers Rd., Canyon Lake. In addition to
As of October, the CRRC of Canyon Lake distributed over 288,000 pounds of food valued at over $1 million to area residents in need. The amount represents a 44% increase over 2023. “The growth reflects the organization’s unwavering commitment to fighting food
CRRC of Canyon Lake Board President Art Seago said the charity will raze the Joe Ed Lyles Community Garden unless another organization is willing to take over of the weedy piece of land by the Rec Center across from Tye Preston Memorial
Grab the kids, families, neighbors and friends for a morning of giving back to the Canyon Lake community. Volunteers are needed for Keep Canyon Lake Beautiful’s (KCLB) Fall 2024 Volunteer Community Cleanup, 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Oct. 5 at the CRRC
In just three months, CRRC’s Thrift Store raised $50,000 for the CRRC of Canyon Lake, one of the area’s biggest charities. Executive Director Tiffany Quiring said the sales were generated during the months of June, July and August. In a Facebook post,
The first guests to arrive around 8 a.m. at the Sept. 11 Freedom Walk Across Canyon Lake Dam will see 20 Canyon Lake firefighters dressed in full sets of turnout gear laboring mightily up and down the steep slopes of the dam.
With the help of Canyon Lake-area charities, little green leaves made of tiny thumbprints are beginning to blossom on a paper tree in the Children’s Advocacy Center of Comal County’s (CACCC) office in Canyon Lake. They symbolize growth and new life for
Today turned out to be a forever day for eight families who adopted foster children at a special ceremony at the Venue in New Braunfels. The adoptions at Adoption Day 2023 were made possible by a partnership between SJRC Texas Belong and